An Invitation to Learn from 30 Years of Contextualizing Experience
Thank you for visiting this page so you can consider whether you feel led by the Lord to become a volunteer intern with Iwa. The purpose and function of Iwa is contextualization–fitting ministry to its audience. Since the Japanese- and Asian American community is a mosaic that is constantly changing, there is a constant and continual need for contextualization. The approach to contextualizaton that Iwa has developed over the past 30 years stays relatively the same over time, however, the ministry tools and resources produced by this approach must always change relative to the ever-changing demographics of the Japanese- and Asian American community. Many of the key leaders who developed Iwa's approach to contextualization have a great deal to share about the process of contextualiztion, but are not the best leaders to apply the contextualization process to the current landscape that is the Japanese- and Asian American community. Iwa needs interns and eventually new staff who more closely identify with and are relationally linked to those in the community today, if Iwa is going to continue to make concrete and practical contributions to more effective ministry now and in the future. Once you have thoroughly considered the work and history of Iwa reflected on this website and prayed about whether the Lord would have you become a part of Iwa's future by becoming an intern, please fill out the response form to the right to let us know how you sense the Lord is leading you in this regard. Thanks again. |