the kaki seed
A 12-page journal known as the kaki seed: developments in evangelism and ministry to Japanese people worldwide documented the new insights that Iwa was discovering in its first few years. Publishing it without the help of computers and desktop-publishing capabilities, the staff, in a time-consuming labor of love, produced 8 issues: three in 1984, three in 1985, and two in 1987. Ground-breaking at the time, many of the articles are still relevant today.
Spring 1984, Volume 1, Number 2
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The Prosperous Prodigal an article by Stan Inouye In Remembrance of Him an article by Kenneth Uyeda Fong Reflections on the Pain of God an article by Robert Yonemoto, Jr. “Evangeliving” with the Church at Our House an article by Jay Jarman with David Shinoda Kansai Mission Research Center a ministry highlight by the Iwa staff |
Summer/Fall 1984, Vol. 1, No. 3
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To Be Known By Him, an article by Stan Inouye “Lord, You Know. . .” a personal illustration by Stan Inouye Dr. Mas Shares His Memories and Ministry an interview by Sharon Uyeda Fong Impressions of Brazil’s Japanese an article by Paul Mizuki Jesus Through Japanese Eyes a book review by Robert Yonemoto, Jr. of A Life of Jesus by Shusaku Endo |
Winter 1985, Volume 2, Number 1
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The Buddha and Christ in Contrast an article by J. Isamu Yamamoto Seeking Peace and Finding Christ a testimony by Masami Sugiyama Reaching Japanese Around the World a report by Stan Inouye A Question of Suffering a testimony by J. Isamu Yamamoto |
Spring 1985, Volume 2, Number 2
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Storytelling in Evangelism an article by Kenneth Uyeda Fong The Story of the Weeping Widow a sermon by Kenneth Uyeda Fong “Global Japanese for Christ” a report by Stan Inouye Sharing the Good News, a collection of testimonies by Arlene Inouye Shaking the “Saltshaker,” a book review by Sharon Uyeda Fong of Out of the Saltshaker and into the World by Rebecca Manley Pippert |
Summer/Fall 1985, Vol. 2, No. 3
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Attempting Japanese Theology an article by Peter Shimada “Prosperous Prodigal” Revisited an article by the Iwa staff “Dear Ted. . .” an open letter by the Iwa staff Capturing the Vision. . . a report by the Iwa staff Wrestling With Bartimaeus an article by David Shinoda |
Spring 1987, Volume 3, Number 1
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“Had Your Feet Washed Lately?" an article by Stan Inouye Cultural Barriers to Church Renewal in the Japanese American Community an article by Arlene Inouye The “Greening” of Evergreen an interview by the Iwa staff |
Summer/Fall 1987, Vol. 3, No. 2
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Witness Through “Withness” an article by Arlene Inouye Understanding Sabbath In Our Time an article by Stan Inouye Journey to “Yes” a testimony by Nancy Harada Response of a “Little Stone,” a book review by Wayne Ibara of A Stone Cried Out by Shigeo Shimada |